Bar [ Chin Chin ]
Location Zhaporozh'e
Year 2018
Team Janna Kiseleva, Oleksandra Burovytskaya, Victoriya Lavrova
Bar Chin Chin is located in a classic building of the mid-20th century in the center of Zaporozhye. There used to be a pharmacy in this place. Therefore, it seemed logical for us to place a bar in this room. A pharmacy, like a bar, is a place where, by mixing various ingredients, they get the final product for the client. Both there and there reign mixology.
Now the bar has a large, women's room. The second, male is in the process of implementing .
The highlight of the room was the facade arches, which we extended with arched mirrors above the bar. A bar counter is located along a long wall. The design above the bar is designed for seasonal flowers and herbs, as well as thematic decoration for various holidays.
The floor is covered by thousands of pieces of broken black tiles, which were laid out like a mosaic. We tried to leave the open texture of the brick as much as possible. The Blueberry Coctail color was chosen as the shade of the walls. The color gradient on the walls gives the feeling of layers of a cocktail.
We have created a separate raised entrance cube that divides the space and protects in the cold season.
Especially for the bar, JK Lab Architects has developed a sofa more than 5 meters long, which is located under the wall. Light fixtures have also been developed. Tables and chairs brought from Italy. A hemispherical mirror was brought by Janna Kiseleva from Paris. The wall painting in the bathroom is also made by Janna Kiseleva.